Supporting your inner harmony

artisan drums & mallets // sound healing


Hado: (HA-dough) the intrinsic vibrational pattern in all matter

Hado Harmonics is founded by Elizabeth, a sound healing practitioner and drum maker bringing over two decades of percussion experience to the art of rhythm and sound. Hado Harmonics is the original designer of stone inlayed drum mallets, integrating beauty and function to enhance your drumming experience. All artisan drums and stone inlayed mallets are made with natural materials, focusing on sound quality and energetic integrity. I incorporate my training in music, meditation, yoga, and coaching, so drums & sessions with me are always unique and intuitively guided.

handmade medicine drum shamanic frame drum

Artisan made drums & mallets

Made by a drummer for drummers of all levels. Integrity and quality matters. No toxic stains used. Rawhide is unbleached. Wood frames are cured with tung oil and resin for natural staining & protective coating. These frame drums are tied with a single strand of rawhide lace. The shape of the handle honors the four directions and connects all points at the center.

crushed stone inlayed drum mallets

Intentional Design

Mallets are uniquely designed with a crushed stone inlay, coiling around the handle, expanding to the striking end.
The energy of the stones and the spiral shape help amplify the energy between drummer and drum. Pure wool covered mallets allow for a soft striking sound with full resonance. See store for drum and mallet offerings.

“If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies. One reason sound heals on a physical level is because it so deeply touches and transforms us on the emotional and spiritual planes.”

— Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, The Healing Power of Sound

Ready for a sound session?